Youngest Kid To Land a BMX Backflip + Airsoft Guns! Surprise Session with the NextStep Lander
Our good friend KC bought an airbag for his son Brody, who at the age of 6 became the youngest kid in the WORLD to land a backflip on a BMX. I was at the end of my epic road trip with Scmidthy, and I decided I had to fly out and meet him. His Dad and I surprised him with a session at a paintball facility, which had a ton of room to setup his DIY ramp and the NextStep Airbag Lander.
It’s good we were inside as the weather wasn’t great outside, so in addition to riding the lander we thought we’d play around with some air soft guns. We played a little game to see if Brody could shoot me while I was doing tricks in the air and however many times he hit me was how many times he got to shoot me in the back at the end.
It was a great trip! Thanks Brody! You can check out Brody’s channel and the video he did right here.
Huge thanks to PowerOn Paintball for letting us use their facility!