HOW TO Double Backflip with JED MILDON
What better person to run you through the tips on how to to a double backflip than Nitro Circus rider Jed Mildon. Jed is a BMX Pro who landed the first TRIPLE and QUAD backflip. In this vid, he’s going to walk you through the DOUBLE. Send it!
From Jed:
When you are at the top of the take off ramp you want to rip back like your doing a manual on the flat ground to your back… this will send you into a quick rotation.
Next objective is to pull your knees into your chest because the G-Forces will want to open you out and straighten your body, so pulling the knees into your chest will help re-tighten your body position and help get you the extra rotation.
At the same time as pulling the knees in you want to holding your forearms solid and pulling their flip around. When you get to mid-height you should have completed the first flip and should be able to spot the landing and sense exactly where you are.
Now you must quickly figure out whether to speed the flip up by keeping tight in the ball and pulling again on the bars OR slow it down by opening up and penciling out or you got it perfect and just need to wait patiently for the landing to open out the landing gear and stomp it.
Best mindset to remember when sending it is, flip up flip down.
Good luck be safe have fun. Yeeeeew!