Posts tagged backyard bmx
Step Up And Getting Air With The NextStep Lander

One of my favorite things in the world to ride is a step up. Though the DD NextStep BMX AirBag Lander we use is 6.5 ft tall, I thought it would be a good idea to head to Bayswater Skatepark and set it up on one of the ramps there and see what we could come up with. A few months back when I was away on a trip my friends had done this and it looked awesome …so I wanted to replicate it. Joined by my good mates for an early morning wake up, we headed to the skatepark.

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Wall Riding with the BMX Nextstep Lander

We have been getting creative with setting the airbag up around the place and thought it would be awesome to find a big wall to see how high we could wall ride. I’ve been good friends with Adam from the Kart Centre in Perth for some time now and he is always keen to do something out of the ordinary. Lucky enough he has very large space which was exactly the place we were looking to setup our NextStep Lander.

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